Gym exercises | Gym routine | 5 days Gym workout routine

Gym exercises | 5 days gym workout routine 

Gym exercises | Gym routine |  5 days Gym workout routine 

The gym is the place where we do physical exercises such as cardio, aerobics, weight training, and other gym exercises to increase strength and agility.

The purpose to use the gym for every person could be different, some use it to lose weight to counter obesity. Some do it to build strength and muscles.

In both cases, the common thing is FAT loss. For fat loss, one has to be a caloric deficit. One has to consume fewer calories and perform more physical exercises in the case of fat loss and in the case of building muscles one needs the energy to repair the minor injuries that occurred to the body.

For example, if a person needs 3000 calories per day he will consume or intake less than 3000 calories per day let’s say 2600 calories and perform a physical gym exercise with that. 

In this way, the body will start utilizing the fat in the body as a form of fuel during his workout. The remaining portion of energy/calories that are fulfilled by fat is stored in the body. Most of the fat is stored around the belly area. Losing belly fat alone is not possible.

One has to work out on the whole body and remain on calories deficit.

Losing weight is easier than gaining muscles. In both, the case gym exercises and routines stay the same. In case of gaining muscles and increasing the weight of the body one intake more calories than he can burn. Roundabout 10% of the body fat percentage in the body is healthy. 

Gym routines are given below: 

  • Mondays are international chest days. 

  • Tuesday is back day.
  • On Wednesday we perform exercises for Arms. 

  • Thursday is for shoulders.

  • On Friday we go for legs. 

In this way, the whole body is trained in 5 days.  You can also use the gym on Saturday if you want to and can do the part you want to grow fast.
Gym excercise| Chest exercise  

 The gym exercises to be perform on Mondays are all chest exercises.

Before starting to lift weight one has to do warmup that includes pushups or pullups also 15 minutes’ walk or cardio to avoid any injuries. Water intake should be higher than normal days.   

First gym exercise perform on the chest is a heavy one that is bench press and do some 12 to 15 repetition of 4 sets. Then we move on to flat flies using dumbbells 8 to 10 repetition of 4 sets. While doing the first exercise when you are moving to barbell down do it slowly and finish it on your nipples and when you go up to finish it up on your head. this makes a circular motion and is very effective.

Then we move on to our next gym exercise that is inclined bench press and we do 4 sets of about 8 to 10 repetition. The key is to stretch the chest muscles.
Gym | Bench press

Along with this, we do incline dumbbell flies. Key is to stretch the chest slow and keep breathing calmly, especially when you feel pain this is the time when you burn the most fat.

The next gym exercise is pack deck fly and we do 6 sets of 12 repetition for this one. The key is to maintain the same speed and to slow and to feel the tension on your chest. Keep have back and neck is straight.
Gym | Pack deck fly

Then comes flat dumbbell press, the key is to go heavy and do some 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

Then we do incline dumbbell press 4 sets of 10 repetitions.
Then we do incline dumbbell pullovers, they are done to shape to your chest from the side. This one also hit the lats. The key is to keep your neck at the end of the bench. If not placed properly it can break the neck. And not to take the weight away from the body, means that not to stretch the arms more and also keep the arms stretch, balance the body with your hips and legs.
Gym | Dumbbell press

After finishing the exercise it is better to have 30 minutes of cardio and not taking any calories for the next 30 minutes.
After that take one scoop of protein (whey isolate) or if not available have at least 3 bananas.

If you do exercise in the morning then take more protein like 1.5 scoop of protein to go through the day, and if in the day then take 1 scoop and at night take one scoop and no carbs at night use more vegetables.

In this way, you will have a balanced diet and you stay healthy.

Sleep is necessary for 6 to 8 hours: During night body start to recover the minor injuries that have occurred in the body during the workout.

Tuesday is the back day, after the 15 to 20 minutes warmup and stretching, first exercise on this day is pull down that should be done like 3 sets of 12 repetitions. The key is to stretch and squeeze and stay lean and feel the tension on the upper back.

The 2nd exercise is one arm row with dumbbell and we do 6 sets of 10 repetitions each.

The key is to squeeze your arms that your triceps remain close to your body and keep you’re back straight and keep your neck straight.

Now we do reverse pull-down and about 3 sets of 12 repetitions. And keep thumbs outward from where the bar bends. Stay lean. Key is too inward movement of elbows.
This hits outside of the Lats.

4th exercise is 6 sets of 10 repetition of barbell row with wide grip and grip is in reverse.
Keep back straight to the tension is kept on the upper back.

In upward movement do squeeze and downward movement do stretch.
Gym | Pulldown exercise 

Now we do close grip Lat pull down, the tension stays in the middle of the back. Keep the body lean and back straight and try to squeeze by pulling elbows inward.  

We do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

The last exercise is heavy, The deadlifts that are done in 6 sets of 10 repetitions. Tension will stay on the upper back. The key is to go heavy. Do it on squat track for convenience.

Gym | Heavy lift
On Wednesday its arm day.

Stretching and warm-up for about 5 to 10 minutes. First gym exercise is alternate dumbbell curls about 3 sets of 12 repetitions, elbows are lock and chest is straight.  No pressure should be on the elbows and traps on the shoulders. All the pressure is on biceps.

Take about 45 seconds break between each gym exercise. Now the next exercise is barbell curl with a straight bar of about 20 LBS. Do it with a wide grip. It is 1 or 2 inches away from your body. DO ABOUT 3 SETS OF 8 REPETITION. Then we do close grip barbell curl, that hits the outer pull of biceps. GO FOR 3 SETS OF 8 REPETITION.

The next exercise is preacher curls with wide grip keep the shoulder loose and to lock elbows. Do some 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Bicep workout is finished with low pully curls. Use a curl bar. Push your elbows back. Every time you down stretches and when u go up squeeze. Do about 3 sets of 8 repetitions.

Take some rest for 2 to 3 minutes. It`s time for triceps and first exercise for this triceps push down. Do about 4 sets of 12 repetitions by keeping elbows straight along with the back. Lock the triceps muscles and move up about only 90 degree.
Then we do skill crushes about 3 sets of 8 repetitions. 

Elbows should be fixed and all the pressure is felt on triceps. keep the hands behind your forehead.

The next exercise is seated dumbbell exercise 3 sets of 8 repetition. Keep elbows blind your forehead, key is to stretch your triceps.

On Thursday after warmup and stretch, the first exercise is seated dumbbell press 2 sets of 12 repetitions. Keep the tension on your shoulders.

2nd gym exercise seated shoulder press using a barbell, this exercise is also known as military presses, do 4 sets of 8 repetitions and go heavy when you go up squeeze the shoulder.

Next exercise is front arm dumbbell raises 3 sets of 15 repetition. This is more effective for front deltoid muscles.

Then we do behind the neck barbell press 4 sets of 8 repetitions. It is like military press behind the neck.

Gym | Shurugling 
The last exercise is shrugging, go for the heaviest that you can go about 6 sets of 10 repetitions. The key is to drop your shoulder back and keep the tension on traps.

Friday is international leg day. The first exercise is squats. The key is to put weight on traps, and back is straight and knees stay behind the leg fingers. Do about 25 repetitions of 4 sets.

2nd exercise is lunges 4 sets of 20 repetitions. The back should be straight back knee might touch the ground and the front knee must not be ahead of the leg fingers.

Then the next one is leg extension and do 4 sets of 15 repetitions. The key is to stretch the leg and do it slowly and pause it at the top. In this way you get the most out of it.
In last go for leg presses, the key is to keep the distance between your legs equal to your shoulder width.
Gym protein

Do plank gym exercise 4 sets of some 60 seconds.
Keep your body flat. Breath out from your stomach.

On Saturday you can repeat any of the routines for your body to give results much faster.
